The Meaning Behind The Song: Us & Them by Kublai Khan TX

Us & ThemKublai Khan TX
Release DateGenre
October 4, 2019Hardcore Punk
Absolute (2019)3:47


Music has a powerful way of connecting with our emotions and thoughts. It has the ability to capture moments and ideas, giving us a deeper understanding of the world around us. One such song is “Us & Them” by Kublai Khan TX, a hardcore punk band hailing from Texas. Released on October 4, 2019, this song carries a strong message and meaning that resonates with many listeners.

Table of Contents

The Lyrics

Let’s dive into the lyrics of “Us & Them” and decipher the meaning behind the words:

“Sick of mother fuckers acting like I owe them shit
A bottomless consequence
That will never end
Never were
This theway it is
Truth be told
I don’teven fucking like you bitch”

In these lines, Kublai Khan TX expresses frustration and resentment towards someone who they feel has taken advantage of them. The narrator is tired of being treated like they owe something to this person and acknowledges that their relationship was never close or genuine. There is a strong declaration of dislike and a desire to distance themselves from this individual.

“Too old to care
Too cold to share
You’re not my kind
You’re just there
You lie to others
You swear we’re brothers
But I would never let you get close”

The lyrics continue to convey a sense of detachment and betrayal. The narrator highlights their indifference and unwillingness to share anything with the person in question. They point out the lies told by this individual to others, pretending to be close like brothers, but the narrator has no intention of ever allowing them to get close.

“Every day I meet more people
The more I know the less I like
You got nothing
I want
Or need
I’ll call it even if you stay silent
There is the notion, no man’s an island in the ocean
Then why the fuck do I demand seclusion
Pray to god to rid me of you fucking burdens
Tired of the eyes everywhere my head is turning”

These lines delve into the narrator’s general disdain for people. They express a growing dislike as they get to know more individuals. The narrator claims that they have no desire for anything that this person has to offer, emotionally or materially. They even yearn for solitude, questioning why they feel the need to isolate themselves. The mention of burdens and the constant feeling of scrutiny further reinforces the weariness and frustration felt by the narrator.

“For all the ones who thought they never could
Become the one you said you never would
It’s been a long time coming
And it’s safe to say it’s time for you to fucking pay”

In these lines, the narrator seems to reflect on their own journey and the doubts they may have had about themselves. They address those who underestimated them, pointing out that they have indeed become who they were told they would never be. They assert that it is now time for this person to face the consequences of their actions.

“Time to pay the fucking price
Another fist that leaves another bruise
Time goes on and the cuts don’t heal
So stick the knife deeper into the wound
A weightless cross, can you even bear it
A mouth that doesn’t shut makes words mean nothing
Open your ears so I can tell you something
Fuck you”

The final lines of the song convey anger and a desire for revenge. The narrator demands that this person pay a price for their actions. They describe the physical and emotional pain inflicted, implying that time does not heal the wounds caused. The mention of a weightless cross suggests a lack of remorse or repentance from the person in question. The powerful use of profanity underscores the intensity of emotions being expressed.

Personal Connection

“Us & Them” by Kublai Khan TX strikes a chord with me personally. It reflects the frustration and disappointments that can arise from toxic relationships. The lyrics resonate with the feelings of betrayal and resentment that can build up over time. The song allows me to connect with these emotions in a raw and unfiltered manner, providing a sense of catharsis.

I have experienced situations where I have encountered individuals who have taken advantage of my kindness and trust. The lyrics of “Us & Them” capture the anger and exhaustion that arise from such experiences. It serves as a reminder that it is okay to set boundaries and distance oneself from toxic people.


“Us & Them” by Kublai Khan TX is a powerful and emotive song that explores the complexities of toxic relationships. The lyrics convey a sense of frustration, resentment, and a desire for revenge. It serves as a reminder to prioritize self-care and distance ourselves from those who do not have our best interests at heart. Through its intense lyrics, this song allows listeners to connect with their own experiences of betrayal and find solace in the knowledge that they are not alone.
